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Coaching Programs

Hi!  Thank you for being here! I'm so glad you found me. I'm devoted to empowering women to fall in love with with their bodies and lives. Here are my coaching programs for women that you can join.

Master Your Body

Understand Your Body's Language

Around midlife our bodies reach their limits and they start develop more and more symptoms, like: weight gain, hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, fluid retention, brain fog, low energy.

 If we don't address them, the problems can exacerbate and become chronic conditions.

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Body Love

Holistic Weight Loss Transformation

For Women 40+.

If you're struggling with mystery weight gain, regardless of eating healthy and exercising, this program is for you.

Discover what is behind weight gain, and how to get back to the healthiest and confident version of you.

Heal To Thrive

Comprehensive Wellness Program For Women 40+, struggling with autoimmune, neurological and other chronic conditions

We try to ignore first symptoms, like low energy and joint pain, because busy life doesn’t allow us to take a break.

And then suddenly around the age 35-40 we find ourselves diagnosed with chronic health conditions like: IBS, SIBO, Crohn's, Lyme, Hashimoto’s, Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, PTOS, PCOS, Endometriosis.

Happy Girl

Fall In Love With 
Your Body

3-month coaching program for women

Imagine if you could?

  • Live your life with your body as a partner, not an enemy.

  • Know that your body loves you and supports you.

  • Leave the body appearance struggle behind because you’re able to see the truth through the societal noise.

  • Let go of the pressure to have a perfectly looking body and choose instead to work towards the healthiest version of you.

Becoming a Mother

Holistic Fertility Program For Women 35+

You can become a mother naturally, without expensive reproductive technologies like IVF and IUI, if you are supported by the right guidance. 

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Eczema Healing

Holistic Approach To Children's Eczema
For Parents Looking for True Healing

If your child is struggling with eczema, don’t waste your time on the search of topical solutions.

No matter how great anti-eczema creams are, they won’t work. Because they don’t address the root cause of eczema, which is the liver struggling with extremely high levels of toxic heavy metals and the virus. 

Address the root cause with guided gentle liver detox, and watch your child getting better!

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